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Friday, January 21, 2011

the baby survive after


Pregnant kali ni adventure sikit. Baby ni siap travel to Bali, Singapore and Koh Samui. And not to mention crazy activities.

Aku g bali retreat masa burfday aku yang ke 29 yezza masih muda u ols. 12 -14 Oct and aku buat white water raffting. Yes masa tu aku tak tau aku sudah pregnant 1 setengah bulan. Giler tak? Giler lah... Balik Bali just realized missed period almost 2 months apa lagi sangkut le... Basically aku and bard plan to have this baby in May sama burfday Ahmads but terbabas satu bulan so June le.

Balik dari bali aku and family g Sunway lagoon and I did flying fox weh... Mak ngan abah tarbiah baik punya aku cakap kalau white water raffting dia boleh buat inikan Flying fox weh. She survived...

Balik Sunway lahoon aku kene g Singapore for ATF. Waa ni memang trip Singapore paling tak best because i dont enjoy the food as much as i do before. Kat Bali pun I tak makan... tu la sekarang berat turun 5 kg. Not good weh!

Balik Singapore aku kene gi Koh Samui from Brainstorming pulak. Haiyohh this baby memang jalan sakan and so adventure lah. Kalah ahmads ni.

Anyway itu je lah aku nak membebel sebab hari ni aku tak sihat flu, sakit kepa, demam and sendi semua sakit. Aiyohh esok bard keje pagi. Matilah ahmads buli aku...

p/s : Enjoy ur weekend k.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Me expecting..


Haa dah lama tak blog yes m so busy and tight with the ahmads which is now always said NO and shuuu to mama. Owh another Zaida i guess. Getting there. Not to mention the complaints. They love to complaints they only want warm milk. Owh phulessee... so diva in those boys. Karma karma Karma.... Well so far aku happy with their progress start talking and running and now dah start to swim. Cepatnya anak amam besar.

Anyway from last check up doc said m expecting girl. Alhamdullilah but next check up akan more confirmed. Cukup kuota 3 and completed the family. Apa yang lainnya this time pregnant nak amakan ice cream and sayur je. I lost 5 kg already yaa i know not good. Will improve soon. mission dalam pantang nak turunkan berat pada 56kg. Boleh!!!! Also skin more glowing and banyak songeh. Suka masak and tak suka rumah kotor kene neat and tidy as u go.

Planning sebelum beranak nak renovate my dapur cause ada rezeki lebih. And rasa nak renovate rumah abah sekali. Hehehe boleh memandai nak renovate umah orang. Yelah aku rasa umah dia tu could be done better. Aku nak jadik architec dia. Boleh. Owhh psst he got his torch already. Abah said thank you please hahahaha.... Bukan apa dulu masa pindah tak sempat nak renovate and now duit ada kederat ada buat le. So far aku tengah tengok kitchen kabinet. Hemm also planning to buy another house. Boleh?

I am too obsess with the baby girl name!I want it to be A.... D... yes yes follow the twins brother. i can imagine the ahmads will be over protective towards their little sister. I am sure. Now pun dah sibuk peluk peluk perut aku. and call baby baby.. siapa la ngajor tak tau. I hope they can be a good abang to the little one. Sghud teach them how to change diapers already. hahahaha

Oklah got to go just got back from Koh Samui and the workload are like the waves of Samui.

p/s: tak sabar nak tengok rupa baby girl hehehehe

Monday, August 02, 2010

Trip ke Sri kembangan


Last weekend, bard kene keje weekend. So nak taknak aku dok umah dengan bebudak noti ni. Takla penat macam bulan bulan sebelumnya masa diorang merangkak. Now dah jalan eksyen. Jalan letak tangan kat belakang check tetiap bilik and cakap berdua. So aku ada la time nak buat lunch and kemas semua barang sepahan sebelum diorang tido. Anyway to cut it short the ahmads memang dah boring duk umah on Saturday. Aku bawak diorang outing on Sunday. Ya man me and the twins alone. Aku bawak diorang gi sri kembangan melawat umah Pesal and tini.

Sepanjang perjalanan diorang behave and nyanyi nyanyi plus they are so excited tengok lorries, tankers and the best part they can spon an aeroplane kat atas. I am so proud of my babies. So clever. Daniel and Danish has their own language becos bila Daniel kat balakang say something danish will look outside tengok lori or tanker and they talk like ape tu? Ta ta ta.. Ni ma... aku iyakan sekali diorang ngumpat aku pun aku iyakan because bila aku jawab diorang dedua gelak. last sekali sampai depan Proton factory they asleep sampai Esso IOI where pesal and Tini dah tunggu. Pesal kata kalau dia direct aku thru phone sampai mati aku tak sampai. So Tini masuk dalam kete aku.

Alah takde la susah umah nya ok. I like the house punya kaler. It is purple. They said pink. It was noicely done. And the best part their neighboor is damn cantik hahaha... ok back to the house. I like the curtain as much as Tini. Pesal kata curtain yang cangkuk tu zaman peliolitik je pakai. Ko nantikan kemunculan curtains aku nanti hahahahaha....And they have wardrobe room and kareoke room in progress! I am totally excited!

On the other hand as usual Ahmads is so into Pesal the bingai. Apsal tah. Habis satu rumah diorang check. AND ahmads suka la sangat akuarium kecik yang vass kat umah diorang. So seisi rumah sibuk mengepung mereka dari menghampirinya. Hahahaha.... Anyway congrats on the new home. It is a nice home. Bear in mind rumah sendiri besar ke kecik ke janji umah sendiri dan beli ikut kemampuan kita. Janji poket penuh and masyuk. Yang penting hutang takde heheeheh... Hutang umah ngan kete tu standard la. Kalau tak hutang BPR carik. Hehehehe. So nanti boleh la buat buka puasa kat umah baru. Minggu ni gue takde gi melaka. Acik ada la kalau diorang boleh sampai umah korang memang la dia terror banget!

After balik dari sri kembangan decided to do small shopping so balik mandikan diorang and keluar balik ke OU. Sampai OU manage to beli a few baju raya for Ahmads. GAP, Pumpkin Patch and all babies outlets are ON SALE!!!! Yes bebeh mama go crazy. Tetiba masa tengah menyusuri Treehouse shoe outlet ada satu budak perempuan cute sangat approach my stroller and so familiar. Aku try to recall anak siapa la ni. Dia pegang tangan Daniel and kiss hahah so cute and Daniel biasa ah eksyen ni tarik balik. Aku rasa dia ni tak pernah tengok budak ada tocang dua kot hehehehe suddenly Erra Fazira keluar dari outlet tu. patutlah ini Aleesya anak dia muka familiar pasal Gugu Gaga Erra kan. Cantik u ols. Daniel jual mahal? Ish Ish... Danish sebagai pemerhati malas amik port hehehehe...

Oklah ni sudah banyak ni cerita. This week aku gi Jom Heboh kat Melaka and next week puasa yehaaa.... best then raya. Shopping raya weh!!!!

p/s : Ni ada some pictures of ahmads progress...

Daniel asleep

Danish too...

what to order ma? is this good?


Friday, June 25, 2010

No title its all about me!

Ok ok now lunch time aku saja je nak update sebab aku tak g lunch. Sebab tak tau la kenapa aku taknak lunch. Aku sekarang dah start dah membuat latihan kecergasan di rumah kerana anak anak hyper itu sudah mula berjalan. Walaupun keberjalanannya tidak seterror aku tapi pergerakkan sangat pantas. lokasi kegemaran tangga dan bilik air. Sib baik bilik air takde kolah maupun baldi berisi air tapi mereka pandai memgunakan paip! Haiyoh tetiba aku dengar bunyi air ... bukan sebab ada hantu kat rumah aku tapi itu dua boss sudah masuk bilik air main air!

Anyway let them explore... congratulations to.. Pesal kerana berjaya mendapat kunci rumah... haaa house warming please.... Cikgu tini masak please... Please assist me on the map! i want to go to your house!
Ok till next update... its all about Zaida Ismail the mother of the twins!

p/s : Weekend coming but chubben have to work. How la?! Going out with the twins alone! Dare? Huhuhu


Monday, June 14, 2010

They turn 1 and me busy


Yes yes aku tau dah lama tak update. Busy wehh busy keje busy anak anak busy segala mende. Ni nak busy lagi ramadan raya. Lepas ni busy tukar keje opssss...

Anyway ni la rope orang dah 1 tahun. Enjoys... nanti aku update lagi.

p/s : atok dah shop baju raya untuk diorang weh. mama takde baju raya lagi pehey!

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Leaving on the jet plane!


Lama suda tak update busy busy beb. Dengan kerja, dengan anak anak masuk ward, mak anak busy nak gi jalan. opsss.. salah mak sibuk nak balik kampung. Today the twins is officially 11th ,onths cepatnya!! Ko kata meh aku kata lama ok. Cuba korang jaga 11 bulan tengok. Aku rasa sure rasa lama.

Anyway banyak mende jadik dalam masa 2 bulan ni. Pejam celik budak budah ni dah pandai diri. Now aku sibuk menunggu sampai berjanggut diorang berjalan. Pap? Over protacted. Hello ni anak lelaki ok. So kene tough sikit. Aku ajar diorang untuk jadi cam aku. Hahahaha...

Sabtu ni i will be leaving them for approximately 2 weeks! Yes long long!!! Aku ada krojer sikit weh. Nun the other side of malaysia. Will be leaving to Cannes, France and sesambil menyelam minum air aku akan merayap hingga ke Monaco ya insya Allah! pastu balik singgah ke London untuk beberapa hari. Tujuannya adalah untuk menyopping baju raya untuk anak anak. LAME ZAIDA! Yes got it! I am lame i know. Selama ketiadaan aku. abah dan mak tanpa persetujuan anak menantu telah menyatakan hasrat nak membawa anak anak ke ipoh untuk dijaga dengan penuh kasih sayang. Habislah SPOIL!!! Sebagai upah dia akan memeberikabeberapa ratus pound sterling untuk perbelanjaan aku. Barter trade ye bukan menjual anak. hahahaha...

SAD to leave the ahmads but wat to do work work work. I will miss them badly and i shud bring their baju to sniff sniff and hilang rindu.

p/s : Esok aku akan upload gambor 11 bulan and hospital vacations...


Thursday, March 04, 2010

Leavin to Kuantan! Leavin the Ahmads!


I m leavin to Kuantan esok. Ya man!!! The abandon twins will be missing their hyper mom!!! M gonna missed their cakaran harimau too... 4 days. Soon will be long. Will be sending thwm to babysitter and peting papa diorang yang cerewet akan amik diorang petang and send them every morning. Kesian la my AHMADS!

Progress of twins... so far dah pandai panjat and bounce ball. Talking certain words like Papa.. tu... ni... dah... eiii... tapi m sure dia tak paham apa mende semua tu they just familiar with those word and i find it kindda cute. yes my babies nak jadik anak teruna dah u ols... cepatnya. This week they turned 10 months. Hope i can plan something for their 1st burfday. Double trouble cake yay!!!

Ok got to go m off to Putrajaya to Angah's place for dinner yummy and m hungry!
